Yahotin Station

Yahotin Station

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Wisdom from a Friendly Bus Driver, or Strange Things Done with a Chopstick

You'd think that being able to ride a bus doesn't take the intelligence of a nuclear physicist. But just in case you need help, here's advice from Erik Christensen, who has been driving Seattle buses for seven years. He recently delivered this advice to a group of elementary school students, as reported by The Stranger:

"Perennial lessons: Be nice. Have your fare money ready. When waiting at a bus stop, stand in a place that makes your desire to board the bus evident. Don't eat or fight or have loud cell-phone conversations or pop your ear zits with a chopstick while on the bus. (Also, Eric likes it when people are friendly and say hi. 'But I can only speak for myself on that one.')"

And, Instructor Wilson, in case you're reading, I'm not shamelessly stealing the Web content of others. I am at least attributing it to David Schmader, writer of the Last Days column in The Stranger, found at: http://www.thestranger.com/seattle/Content?oid=592337

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Waiting in Yahotin

Waiting in Yahotin